Giving Opportunities
Annual Giving
Gifts to our Annual Giving Campaign support the Mission of St. Peter Catholic throughout the school year in many ways and allows the schools Administration and Board to apply the funds to our areas of greatest need such as:
- Financial Aid
- Educational Programming
- Career & Technical Pathways
- Catholic Identity & Campus Ministry
- Hiring additional Faculty & Staff
- Student support services
- Continued updates to campus safety & security
Gifts to our Annual Giving Campaign can be made either online, or by sending in a check to the school, or by gifts of securities or annuities.
- Please contact Director of Advancement Tim Scalzitti to make gifts by securities or annuities.
Naming Rights Campaign
One way to make a lasting impact on the students of St. Peter Catholic is by making a contribution to name a classroom, lab, or breakout learning space to impact student learning and success. Naming a space is a great opportunity to do something in honor or in memory of a loved one, or as a tribute to the success of a business or family foundation. While many spaces in the school’s facilities have been named, there are some that remain available.
- If you are interested in learning more about naming a space on campus, please contact Director of Advancement Tim Scalzitti.
Online Giving
Gifts can be made online to our Annual Giving Campaign through our online giving form. Gifts made online can either be one-time online gifts, or they can be recurring gifts and determined by the donor to either be done monthly or quarterly and for a specific amount of time giving donors the flexibility and control over their contributions and allowing them to make a longer-term commitment if they choose.
- To make a gift online to support our Annual Giving Campaign please click here.
- To make a gift online to support our Naming Rights Campaign, please contact Director of Advancement Tim Scalzitti.
Gifts of Securities or Annuities
Gifts can be made to support St. Peter Catholic through securities or annuities.
- Please contact Director of Advancement Tim Scalzitti for additional information.